By Megan Breckenridge, Staff Writer
HOUSTON—Harris County has long been the national leader in fatal alcohol-related auto accidents; a title that law enforcement officials are eager to relinquish. Though instances of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) have declined in recent years thanks to aggressive educational campaigns and improved methods of screening and prosecuting suspected parties, the city still has a long way to go.
Enter "Alert Cab", a new initiative aimed at providing a safe alternative for restaurant and bar patrons that have imbibed too much to drive home safely. Developed and supported through a partnership between Silver Eagle Distributors, L.P. and the Greater Houston Restaurant Association (GHRA), the program enables participating locations to offer guests a free cab ride home in hopes of avoiding a potential DWI, or worse, an alcohol-related collision.
Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia is a strong supporter of the Alert Cab program.
"Alcohol-related accidents are claiming more lives in Harris County than anywhere else in the country," he said in an interview with Houston Community Newspapers. "Taking us off that first-place spot is everyone’s responsibility, not just law enforcement. That’s why I welcome community partners like [this]."
Alert Cab operates by offering $20 cab ride vouchers to patrons in exchange for their car keys. Clients fill out the paperwork necessary to get them home safely if the need arises, and relinquish their keys to their server. Everything is then sealed in an envelope and given to the cab driver, who returns the keys only upon the patron’s arrival home.
Tyron Malone, branch manager at the Cypress Silver Eagle site, said Silver Eagle and the GHRA contribute the money to pay for these cab rides. "[The program] curbs drunk driving and helps keep our roads safer," he said. "As a father and community member, I’m proud to support these efforts."
Lauren Barrash, founder and president of The Wave, a shared shuttle service for nightlife entertainment inside the 610-loop, agrees. "Anything we can do or participate in to help create safer roadways for Houstonians and her visitors, we do," she said. "Alert Cab is a program The Wave is honored to partner with."
GHRA President Mike Shine, said his organization hopes to help encourage patrons to drink responsibly. Still, he said, in the event that a server is faced with a dangerously intoxicated individual, they have the option to employ the Alert Cab program.
"In the past, managers would have to call a cab, often at the expense of the business," Shine said. "Alert Cab gives our members a better approach to get the guest home safely."
With the Alert Cab program, protecting yourself and your loved ones while out on the town is simple: Start by selecting an establishment that is partnered with the Alert Cab initiative. In the event that you have too much to drink, tell your bartender and trade in your car keys for a cab ride voucher. Arrive home safely, receive your keys, and return to get your car the next day. No amount of inconvenience is worth risking a potential DWI or alcohol-related accident.